Faculty Senate
- Jan. 26, Faculty Senate approves two Degrees of the Future
- Dec. 10, Senators learn about central student recruitment help to colleges
- Nov. 12, Reeder discusses operations and finance structure with senators
- Sept. 12, Provost meets the Faculty Senate
- Oct. 8, Senators receive updates on Workday Student, enrollment, AI in research
- Sept. 14, Wickert discusses positive enrollment trends with senators
- Oct. 10, Senate leaders meet with regents' diversity working group
- Nov. 14, Senators learn about task force's work on educational materials policy
- Dec. 13, Senators to learn more about a flat fee for course materials
- Jan. 23, Senate to vote on addition of Graduate Council
- Feb.13, Proposed term faculty changes in handbook draw discussion
- March 19, Flat-fee plan for course materials shared with senators
- April 9, Senators approve term faculty changes
- April 23, Senators learn more about Cyclone Support
- May 7, Senate supports name change for Human Sciences
- Sept. 13, Senators learn more about recommendations on student ratings of teachers
- Oct. 18, Senators discuss requirements for posthumous degrees
- Nov. 15, Senators learn more about Iowa State Online
- Dec. 13, Departments asked for feedback on adding another master degree
- Jan. 24, Senators see early results of student retention efforts
- Feb. 14, Changes to ISU peer list await regents' approval
- March 23, Senators learn about campus safety options
- April 6, Eight-two courses meet updated diversity requirement
- April 20, Norman shares first 100 days with senate
- May 3, Provost reviews faculty advancement with senators
- Sept. 14, Senators inquire about fall semester challenges
- Oct. 12, Faculty Senate continues discussion on U.S. diversity requirement
- Nov. 10, Senate reaches a decision on U.S. diversity outcomes requirement
- Dec. 14, Online leadership workshops will start this spring
- Jan. 18, Senators receive update on student mental health
- Feb. 15, Faculty job satisfaction survey results shared with senators
- March 10, Schmittman discusses Reimagining LAS initiative with senators
- April 5, Senators receive update on Workday Student
- April 19, Wintersteen praises work of faculty, senate
- May 3, Provost shares faculty promotion summary with senators
- Sept. 15, Wintersteen answers questions at first senate meeting
- Oct. 13, Wickert addresses executive order at Faculty Senate
- Nov. 10, Wickert summarizes pay equity study for senate
- Dec. 8, Required syllabus statement gets time on senate agenda
- Jan. 26, Faculty, student freedoms discussed at Faculty Senate
- Feb. 16, Proposed 2021-22 calendar includes a winter session
- March 9, Wickert discusses fall semester planning at Faculty Senate
- April 7, Faculty senators learn more about Workday Student
- April 20, Wickert presents promotion and tenure information to senate
- May 6, In-person October ceremony will honor 2020 graduates
- Sept. 10, Senators review faculty investigation process
- Oct. 15, Nusser shares new research priorities with Faculty Senate
- Nov. 12, Senate considers eliminating words from position responsibility statement
- Dec. 12, CELT to bring workshop to next Faculty Senate meeting
- Jan. 21, Senators consider universitywide student learning outcomes
- Feb. 11, Wintersteen provides updates to Faculty Senate
- March 10, Wickert addresses move to online classes at Faculty Senate
- April 7, Wickert provides update at Faculty Senate
- April 21, Senate to vote on scholarship change for home-schooled students
- Sept. 11, Wintersteen welcomes faculty at first senate meeting
- Oct. 9, Faculty input sought on campuswide initiatives
- Nov. 13, Senate could eliminate summer readmission option
- Dec. 11, Senate closes out the fall with term faculty teaching report and policy proposals
- Jan. 22, Initiatives to improve faculty experience presented to senate
- Feb. 12, Senate learns more about evolving research efforts
- March 5, Proposed 10-year sustainability plan shared with faculty senators
- April 9, Senate considers changes to classroom disruption policy
- April 23, Wickert provides promotion and tenure update to senate
- May 7, Changes ahead for teaching assessments, grad assistantships administration
- Sept. 12, ISU gets high marks in latest faculty survey
- Oct. 10 (meeting canceled)
- Nov. 14, Senate resumes business with proposed new degrees
- Dec. 12, Enrollment, affordability lead to rise in NTE instruction
- Jan. 16, Research office vision includes interdisciplinary collaboration
- Feb. 13, Senate continues NTE discussion
- March 20, Wickert to senate: State cuts affect resident students
- April 3, Provost: Central budget cuts will ease impact on academic programs
- April 17, Senate will vote May 1 on NTE faculty changes
- May 1, Senate approves term faculty tracks
- Sept. 13, Senate opens with look at 2016-17 initiatives
- Oct. 18, Senate hears research, IT updates
- Nov. 8, Senate opens business with diversity and inclusion endorsement
- Dec. 13, Senate president speaks out on regents issues
- Jan. 17, Dead week policy changes are under consideration
- Feb. 14, Leath covers budget, legislation and enrollment during senate update
- March 7, Nursing degree gets senate approval
- April 4, Emeritus status could expand to include all faculty
- April 18, Senate extends emeritus policy to include NTE faculty
- May 2, Senate sets stage for NTE changes
- Sept. 15, Senate opens year with statement of support
- Oct. 20, Faculty asked to assign intellectual property rights
- Nov. 10, Senate approves policy changes for job descriptions
- Dec. 8, Faculty numbers reflect growth
- Jan. 19, Senate considering department merger
- Feb. 9, Leath talks enrollment, appropriations with senate
- March 8, Senate considers mandatory course
- April 5, Mandatory course approved for international undergrads
- April 19, Senate is considering 'clinical' faculty titles
- May 3, Senate approves clinical faculty titles
- Sept. 9, Senate gets update on student-athlete academics
- Oct. 14, 2013 data shows NTE instruction increase
- Nov. 11, Post-tenure review, NTE hires among topics at Faculty Senate
- Dec. 9, Senate approves post-tenure review changes
- Jan. 20, Senators learn latest about TIER process
- Feb. 12, Leath talks funding, budget and more with senate
- March 10, Senate approves criminal justice degree
- April 9, Senate debates NTE contract notifications
- April 21, Senate starts debate on faculty responsibilities
- May 5, Senate closes out year with P&T report, research update
- Sept. 10, Senate starts school year with look at academics in athletics
- Oct. 8, Senate hears updates on faculty hiring, NTE teaching, conduct policy
- Nov. 12, Senate creates new student affairs committee
- Dec. 10, Senate looks at changes to academic programs, handbook policies
- Jan. 21, Regents president talks to senate
- Feb. 13, Senate hears latest on faculty misconduct case
- March 11, Interdisciplinary programs introduced to senate
- April 8, Leath addresses Faculty Senate
- April 22, Senate learns more about research enterprise, Veishea student response
- May 6, Senate examines promotion and tenure data
- Sept. 11, Wind energy degree approved by senate
- Oct. 16, Handbook changes spark senate debate
- Nov. 13, Senators approve policy updates
- Dec. 11, Senate floor opens for leadership discussion
- Jan. 22, Senate debates changes to annual review policy
- Feb. 12, Senate approves annual review policy
- March 12, Senate debates revisions to P&T voting, academic unit renaming policies
- April 2, Leath discusses legislature, coach contracts, initiatives with senators
- April 23, Dead week recommendations could become policy
- May 7, Senate business concludes with policy changes, P&T report
- Sept. 13, Proposed school of education introduced to senators
- Oct. 11, Senate urges school of education proposal forward
- Nov. 8, Senate approves new professorship
- Dec. 6, Senators push through policy changes
- Jan. 17, Senate considering recommendation on Design reorganization
- Feb. 14, Design reorganization plan gets senate approval
- March 7, Leath, Hill address Faculty Senate
- April 3, Syllabus language gets senate approval
- April 17, Senators hear about electronic class evaluation system
- May 1, Senators receive promotion and tenure report
- Sept. 21, Senate opens new academic year
- Oct. 12, Engineering technology degree on hold in senate
- Nov. 9, Senate to consider NTE teaching recommendations
- Dec. 7, Senate debates NTE teaching limits, faculty misconduct policy
- Jan. 20, Faculty conduct policy changes on hold in senate
- Feb. 8, Faculty policy changes stall in senate
- March 8, Senate squeezes in other business around continued policy discussions
- April 5, Post-tenure review revisions clear the senate
- April 19, Faculty misconduct policy gets senate approval
- May 3, Senate closes the books on 2010-11
- Sept. 8, Senate hears about issues facing new academic year
- Oct. 20, Budget is focus of senate discussion
- Nov. 17, Senate explores FY11 budget realities
- Dec. 8, Winter storm stalls senate
- Jan. 19, Senate preparing for faculty cuts
- Feb. 9, Senate debate of eliminated programs and positions continues
- March 9, Senate debates revised policy for faculty eliminations
- April 6, Senators hold off on policy decision
- April 20, Elimination policies still on the table
- May 4, Senate concludes year with new elimination policy
- Sept. 9, Academic programs get senate approval
- Oct. 7, Senators tackle policies
- Nov. 4, Modified duties policy introduced to senate
- Dec. 9, Modified duties debate continues
- Jan. 20, Modified duties policy gets senate approval
- Feb. 10, Geoffroy visits senate
- March 10, Senate outlines budget priorities
- April 7, Federal laws impact research policy
- April 21, Faculty Senate panel talks budget
- May 5, Senate closes books on 2008-09
- Sept. 11, Senate approves arming campus police
- Oct. 9, Senate continues NTER debate
- Nov. 13, Faculty Senate continues research faculty debate
- Dec. 11, Senate stuck on non-tenure research position
- Jan. 15, Faculty Senate approves policy changes for lecturer and clinician appointments
- Feb. 12, Senate approves research faculty position
- March 4, Senate considers curriculum, research
- March 25, Curriculum items stall in Senate
- April 15, Senate clears curriculum items
- April 29, Faculty data, library needs highlight final senate meeting
- Sept. 12 (no story)
- Oct. 10, Faculty Senate considers department name change
- Nov. 14, Flexible pay program will start in January
- Dec. 12 (no story)
- Jan. 16, Senate endorses budget model
- Feb. 13, Senate eyes new degrees
- March 6, Faculty Senate approves new degrees
- March 27, Faculty Senate fills future docket
- April 10, Senate endorses new name for College of Agriculture
- April 24, Senators ponder new research position